
20 Creative Business Proposal Ideas for Better Sales in 2021, business proposal ideas.

Business proposal ideas

Many marketing proposal ideas may span over months, or even years. In today’s global, connected world, collaboration is more important than ever. Establishing regular communication forms the foundation of successful business proposals.

Here’s a great business proposal idea that's sure to make your proposal stand out from the competition. Consider including a prominent summary or project statement at the beginning of your business proposal. Your summary can be a sentence or two that tells the client the problem you’ll solve. Or, use a bullet point summary that outlines the goals of the project.

Now that we’ve shared these business proposal ideas with you, it’s time to put them to use. If you’re wondering how to do that and make sure your proposal has an attractive design, we’ve got a few ideas for you.

Testimonials aren’t reserved only for your website. Add them to your business proposal to establish trust and help your potential clients or business partners understand that you're the right person for the job.

20. Make a Shareable Document

Business proposal ideas

Your proposal should include visual aids such as charts, graphs, diagrams. Consider anything that'll make it easier for potential clients to picture the data you’re presenting.

Another way to make the decision a no-brainer is to create a comparison checklist between you and your biggest competitor.

The third way to include visuals in your business proposals is to add icons. Use icons to make various sections or headings stand out more.

Minimalism is a popular design philosophy, and for good reason. It offers two key benefits:

Business proposal ideas

Summarize your solution in a brief and concise manner from the very beginning. Let them know what certain aspects of your solution will help them achieve their business goals. This will keep your clients engaged with the rest of your business proposal presentation.

Envato Elements is a great choice if you need design assets on a regular basis. But, if you prefer to buy your digital assets one at a time, check out our ever growing collection of professional business proposal templates on GraphicRiver.

In this guide, we’ve outlined some valuable tips that'll help you effectively express your business proposal presentation to impress your potential clients. We’ve also lined up some creative business proposal PowerPoint templates to make you feel inspired and get you started. Finally, you'll learn how to make a proposal presentation with PowerPoint.

Text legibility is also a priority when using an image as a background. A pro tip is to add a black overlay on your text with 50% transparency. This will cast a shadow on your text, becoming much easier to read.

4. Use Compelling Visuals

Business proposal ideas

With this, make sure that your audience knows what to do next. As much as possible, keep your call to action direct to the point and clear enough to comprehend. Don’t forget to set timelines and expectations for follow-ups.

The first step is to conduct client research to develop a more detailed idea of their needs and how your services or products will satisfy them. Here are some tips to study your clients:

The Proposal PowerPoint Template only has one main color but with different shades of red to give variety and depth to the presentation.

Business proposal ideas

The best proposal layout ideas have generous white space. If your layout is too cramped, then it becomes cluttered and harder to read. This can vary, especially in some of the more unconventional, creative business proposals. But regardless of the aesthetic, the best proposal templates make sure not to clutter up the space.

Rest assured that you’re always going to be in control of your brand identity, as this template is completely customizable in both text and colors. Freely use this template for any industry proposal.

If you’re looking for a clean and professional project proposal, this template will come in handy. The template has a simple design with 40 unique pages to present all the important information about the project. On top of that, this template comes with matching invoice and resume. Edit this template in InDesign and Word.

This is just a sample of 16 beautifully designed pages in this business proposal template. It's such a versatile design too. Add your images, change the colors, and customize this design to make it work for you. It uses free fonts and includes a file for Adobe InDesign. If you're looking for an InDesign proposal template, this one is worth a look.

Best Business Proposal Ideas and Trends for 2021

Business proposal ideas

The Business Proposal Template features an elegant and classic design. It includes 20 proposal template pages along with the invoice template.

Get unlimited downloads from a massive digital warehouse of creative assets.

This 20-page custom document features completely editable text, objects, and colors. This makes it a very versatile template to use to land the job that you want. Impress your future clients with a well-written and well-presented business proposal example that highlights your small business’ unique selling proposition.

Featuring vibrant splashes of color for effective contrast, this Microsoft Word proposal template is a winner no matter what the emphasis of your proposal. It's fully editable in Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign, and Illustrator.

Business proposal ideas

Envato Elements is a subscription-based marketplace with a compelling offer. For a low monthly fee, download unlimited modern proposal templates and other design assets.

If you’d rather buy individual business proposal templates, then check out GraphicRiver. It's part of Envato Market suite of online marketplaces that'll cover all your digital asset needs.

Envato Elements is a powerful option. But if you prefer to buy new Business Proposal templates one at a time (instead of getting unlimited access to hundreds of creative proposal designs), check out the selection from our GraphicRiver marketplace below.

Hundreds of creative business proposal templates on Envato Elements.

1. Key Benefits of Envato Elements

Business proposal ideas

That’s right! Download as many creative templates and graphics as you want, then customize them to fit any of your project needs. Download all the best proposal templates for your project, with no added fees.

A multipurpose portrait format creative business proposal or brochure. It's got 30 proposal template pages A4 and US letter sizes with strong typography. It's got creative proposal layouts that you can customize quickly. Just drop in your own images and texts, and it’s ready. Free fonts called Roboto and icons were used.

Minimal business proposal template has a minimalistic proposal design. This template has 20 pages and comes in two different sizes US letter and A4 paper size. Use this template in Adobe InDesign. Easily add or delete pages to customize the template.

It's easy to get wrapped up in bells and whistles when checking out creative business proposals. Remember, just because a design looks great doesn't mean it's the perfect fit for your business or project. Keep your branding in mind. What colors, aesthetic, and tone work with your established brand identity?

Business proposal ideas

This article focuses on the various aspects of business research, such as business law, business ethics, business proposal, international business, business management, business speech, business debate, and controversial business topics.

Another exciting area of business research is business ethics. With some excellent business ethics research paper topics, you’re well on your way to writing a unique paper. Here are some juicy business ethics paper topics/business research topic examples to get the ball rolling!

With the many facets of business management, finding a hot topic could be very challenging. Here are ten great ideas for research topics in business management.

  1. Your business will fail if you lack social intelligence.
  2. Why you need both short and long-term goals in business.
  3. Why Introverts could make better entrepreneurs.
  4. Why you must have a business plan.
  5. Business Mentors: why every business person needs one.
  6. The secret in sending past clients thoughtful gifts.
  7. Social Media: Why you should take full advantage of it for your business.
  8. Placing higher values on experience than qualifications.
  9. Parenting: why new fathers should also get paid time off to help with the baby.
  10. Why gut instinct is still essential in hiring.

Why This List of Business Research Topics?

Do you have a business speech to deliver and still not sure of the topic to focus on? Here is are some general business speech topics for you!

So here we are! One hundred business topics which cover different areas in business. Are you ready to take your writing to a whole new level? These topics will set you on the right path faster. Don’t forget to proofread and edit your paper thoroughly before turning it in. Good luck!

  1. Bankruptcy Fraud: Legal identification methods.
  2. Sexual Harassment Lawsuits: Its Avoidance within the company.
  3. Trade secrets: When does it become “too secretive”?
  4. UK Business Laws: A Review of the Legal Standing and Protection of Creditors.
  5. Foreign Entity Registration: A comparative review of legal guidelines and implications for foreign businesses in the UK and Europe.
  6. Trademark infringement: Possible defences to this offence.
  7. E-commerce Practices: US legal implications on the workforce.
  8. Data Privacy Laws: Their impact on business operations.


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