
How to write an essay introduction, how to write a good introduction to an essay.

How to write a good introduction to an essay

A good introduction paragraph is an essential part of any academic essay. It sets up your argument and tells the reader what to expect.

As you research and write, your argument might change focus or direction as you learn more.

This introduction to an argumentative essay sets up the debate about the internet and education, and then clearly states the position the essay will argue for.

The “hook” is the first sentence of your essay introduction. It should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of why it’s interesting.

Step 4: Map your essay’s structure

To write a good hook, avoid overly broad statements or long, dense sentences. Try to start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

  1. An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  2. Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  3. A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay.

How to write a good introduction to an essay

Majority of students are quick to submit their work essay right after they are done with writing the first draft. It is good to point out that doing so is such a grave mistake as you should keenly proofread it prior to submitting it for marking.

The section that comprises the majority of your essay is the body. In other words, body paragraphs normally account for about eighty percent of an essay. This means that when writing an essay, most students spend most of their time on writing the body paragraphs.

You can also search for such information online by keying in certain keywords in your favorite search engine. Experts who know how to write an essay understand the importance of reading books and journal articles as well as other academic sources prior to beginning writing an essay.

After you are done with creating the outline of your essay, you can now go ahead and write the first draft. It is worth to emphasize the fact that when writing such a draft, you should be guided by the outline. It is equally important to note that all the points that you are supposed to include in the first draft must be in one way or the other relevant to the thesis statement.

How to Organize Essay Body Paragraphs

How to write a good introduction to an essay

One of the common mistakes that students who do not really understand how to write an essay make is discussing new points in this section. You must never attempt to include ideas that are not present in the body in the conclusion of your essay.

It then goes without saying that you must learn how to properly manage time when writing your essay. One of the best ways of doing so is designing a practical work plan. Such a plan should clearly list all the tasks involved in writing your essay and the amount of time allocated in doing each of the listed tasks.

It is also worth to mention that you should avoid writing a very lengthy conclusion. A good conclusion should be precise and short.

This implies that the skills that are put into test when writing this type of an academic paper are among others

How to write a good introduction to an essay

You can write down an essay outline, and use it to organize and format your research paper focusing on the central thesis statement throughout an entire paper. Pay enough time to prepare a good essay outline. The accurate structure is one of the most crucial characteristics of your paper. The college professors and school tutors pay a lot of attention to a proper structure and format of an essay while checking every written piece.

An essay typically contains from 3 to 5 supporting paragraphs. You need to note down the main arguments and evidence into supporting paragraphs. Write every new argument in a separate paragraph. You should state arguments, important facts, evidence, and additional information in the body part. This is the biggest part of an essay. It contains all the calculations, results of analyses, findings, concepts’ revelation, and full argumentation.

There are many useful tips and guides on how to accomplish an academic task without a glitch. In fact, your writing talents can be very helpful. Be ready to use your analytical abilities as well since the persuasive essay is the type of research paper. This piece of writing requires a profound analysis of a subject. You need to reveal your point of view based on strong arguments and supporting evidence. Further, you must persuade your readers to share your opinion.

A persuasive essay has a standard essay structure. Often, writers prefer a 5-paragraph essay format the most. In general, an essay requires a strong and attention-grabbing introduction, informative main body parts, and a short and snappy conclusion.

Additional Elements of a Persuasive Essay

An introduction is one of the central elements of an essay. With a strong and appealing opening part, you can assure your essay’s success. A strong intro is aimed at gathering the reader’s attention and making people read an entire essay. It can be problematic to perform an excellent opening part. Still, there are a few useful writing tips you can use.

Your briefing must be clear, logical, and concise. You need to pay your time and effort to perform a great opening since it triggers the audience’s attention. You need to motivate your readers to keep reading a paper. Your main argument overview is also included in an introductory part. Make sure to choose a relevant hook sentence. Be very attentive to transition sentences and phrases you use in your written piece.

An essay outline is an important element of every essay paper. It allows you to bring together the entire paper’s elements properly and assuring a requested essay format. An essay outline can be used as a writing plan. It allows you to deal with every part of an essay accurately. Moreover, an essay outline makes it easier to come up with every separate argument, its supporting evidence, important facts, concepts, and explanations.

A persuasive essay is a special type of academic paper that is aimed at convincing readers to share the author’s point of view. You need to persuade your readers with the information revealed. It can be difficult to prepare an excellent essay. Often, you need to deal with a very complex subject. If you need to write a perfect paper, be careful with every detail. A proper structure of an essay is essential. It defines the final success of your persuasive essay and the way it influences your audience.

How to write a good introduction to an essay

Cybercrime is a relatively new problem which develops with the Internet and technologies. Only fifteen years ago there wasn’t such a problem. However, it is expected that the global cost of cybercrime will surmount $6 trillion!

But still, all essays on crime are similar to their aim – to discover and to help. You need to realize that any cause-effect connections you may find can indeed help to understand the problem better, develop new methods of preventing, reducing or dealing with crimes and criminals and reveal many other useful things.

Thus this type of crime is indeed worth highlighting. Here is a free sample for you to pick some ideas.

Moreover, it is better to choose a specific topic for your essay – that’s how you make it informative and newsworthy. Picking too broad topic will result in writing about everything and nothing. At the same time, choosing a narrow topic may be difficult to write due to the lack of available information.

Cybercrime essay: several hints

Thousands of people all around the world are suffering since they just profess the religion someone doesn’t like, have another color of skin or encounter some even less noticeable differences. Consider writing a does the death penalty deter crime essay in this context.

The problem with this is that the majority of people can’t understand where it all comes from. To cope with the problem we need to spread the awareness of why crime is done because “just insanity” isn’t usually the answer.

All in all, crime is a newsworthy scope to explore and write essays on. Unfortunately, crimes are constantly occurring, and there are lots of information and statistics you may need to discover some specific questions.

4. References – add a list of the sources you have used in your essay (if needed).

How to write a good introduction to an essay

The above essay introduction sample is informative about the author, the subject of the drama and the main elements of the play. By this, the reader already has a brief idea about the play and knows what to expect in the forthcoming essay. It is neither too long nor too short for an essay of approximate 1000 words, which is the normal word-length for school or college level essays. Providing too much information will also make the reader skip parts of the essay. Thus, the introduction should be concise but precise, introducing the topic but leaving a question in the mind of the reader to induce him to read the rest of the essay with interest. Given below is another introduction essay example.

In school life, when a student is given to write as essay, it usually intimidates him because writing an essay is considered one of the toughest things of any language. An essay can be on a number of topics such as oneself, one's family, pets, a season, the country, a festival, a tour. These essays are assigned to students in their formative years. Ever since then, the first thing they are taught is how to write a good introduction. Many grammar and language books provide with the introduction essay examples. These essay introduction samples are of much help to students who are learning how to write an essay. The teachers also tutor them on the subject. However, no teacher or book is more important than individual writing practise. The more one practises writing and reads more books, the more expert can he be in the field of writing essays. This habit comes in very handy in later years when one is pursuing his master degree or a PhD where thesis writing is the main area of getting marked and a thesis with an exceptional introduction is viewed more favourably than the others. Thus, writing an essay introduction is probably one of the most important things in an essay because it is the first thing which the reader goes through. A catchy essay introduction will attract the reader and capture his attention for the rest of the piece. The introduction to an essay should be in proportion to the length of the essay. This piece will explain the meaning, construction of introductions to essays as well as provide some examples of essay introductions.

One of the best pieces of tragedy written by the greatest playwright ever, William Shakespeare, was Macbeth. Concerning a war hero, whose ascend to the throne was predicted by the witches he had met by chance and his journey towards his demise is what Macbeth is all about. An equal important character is Lady Macbeth, his wife, whose dilemma is unravelled throughout the play which brings to light her debatable character. Macbeth is best read in original by Shakespeare as abridged versions distort the actual essence of the drama.

The introduction for an essay should be captivating as well as informative so as to put in the picture of the issue discussed in the essay. Below are some tips for writing an introduction to essay:


“The best things in life are free, but the second best are very expensive" - Coco Chanel

Introduction to essays can be generated by essay introduction generator, usually online services, which provide an introduction for an essay for a charge. However, it is always to the credit of the author if the introduction is written by the author himself. Any good essay written for a thesis is checked for plagiarism which can be penalized if the work is not original. To be on the safe side, one should attempt writing a good introduction for his essay

Examples of introduction for essays can be found all over the internet as well as in many guide books widely available in the market. Below is one of sample essay introductions for the convenience of students:

  • A good essay introduction should not begin with a dictionary meaning or the like. It's a cliché and does not impress the reader. Beginning an introduction with a famous quote or an anecdote or a small story which is witty as well as pertaining to the subject of the essay is always welcome by the readers. It makes the introduction interesting which immediately adds flair to the essay.
  • The introduction should introduce the essay in few lines and explain any keywords which are essential to know about. This is usually done so words are not wasted in the body of the essay.
  • Essay introductions should not include any thorough discussion of the topic. Only in the end of the introductory paragraph, the author should start off the essay.
  • If it is an argumentative essay, the introduction should not begin with the author's opinion on the subject of the essay. Instead, he should present the issue and then talk about the different opinions, finally presenting his own. It is only in the body where he should substantiate his views with adequate proof, citing examples and statistics.
  • Introduction examples for essays can be: a line from any novel, a line from a poem, a famous saying of an author/ poet, an example, an anecdote which can be real-life or taken from any source.
  • The introduction should first address the basics of the subject such as "what", "why", "how". Making the reader familiar with these answers helps them to evaluate the essay better.


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