
How to Write a Professional Dissertation Proposal, dissertation proposal examples.

How to Write a Professional Dissertation Proposal

Dissertation Proposal Structure

Continue to read on to learn how most dissertation proposal structure are designed.

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Dissertation Proposal: What Should it Include?

Most dissertation proposals need to be structured in a similar fashion with only slight differences among different colleges and different departments. Most often the dissertation structure is as follows:

  • First there will need to be a research framework section that will give a brief overview of the research you will complete and analyze.
  • Second, there needs to be a bibliography review.
  • Third, you will need a research design and methodology section.
  • Fourth, you will need to add your dissertation outline.
  • Fifth, you will need to add a timeline for the research you need to complete.
  • Finally, you will need to add the bibliography list to the end of your dissertation proposal.

What is a Research Framework Section of a Dissertation Proposal About?

The research framework is the beginning section of all dissertation proposals. The section should serve as a type of introduction.

The two main functions of Research Framework Section are

Note, this is also the section that you can explain how your research connects with the department that you are applying for.

How We Can Help

Trying to find a dissertation research topic, completing all of your research, and finding time to complete your class work can be stressful. Let our team help relieve some of the stress involved in completing your PhD proposal. Our team of overqualified writers is awaiting your request to help with all of your dissertation proposal needs.

Our full staffed team of writers can help you with completing your research, proofreading the material you have written (to ensure the appropriate dissertation proposal structure), and/or even writing your dissertation for you. Many members of our team have already completed their PhD proposals and are waiting to share their knowledge with you.

At P rof E we guarantee that your dissertation proposal will be one hundred percent unique, tailored to the needs and specifications of your project, and completed by your due date. All you will need to do is provide us with the information needed to help you complete your dissertation proposal writing without all of those costly mistakes, stressful moments, and rewrites.

How is a Bibliography Review Different From the Research Framework Section?

In your research framework chapter you are asked to explain the gaps in the field of research you have chosen. Bibliography section of your dissertation proposal should explain the same gaps only in more depth, and further contextualize your research.

When completing your dissertation proposal writing of this section you will need to group the literature used according to the questions discussed, or views expressed. It will help you place your research within larger academic debates.

When writing your dissertation proposal your goal is to prove your point or idea by backing up your research with the research of other peer reviewed articles and studies. When creating this section you will be able to draw contextual conclusions from your peer reviewed evidence.

What is the Research Design and Methodology Section About?

The research design and methodology section should contain how you are conducting your research and what specific methods you will use in completing your study. In this section of your dissertation proposal writing you need to ensure that you are clear and concise so that there are no questions left in the committees mind about how you collected data and how the research mentioned was useful to your topic. Clear goals and objectives should be stated in this section of your dissertation proposal. Most often the committee also would like to know the reasons why you chose to collect data in that particular way, and why you think the techniques you’ve chosen for analysis will bring the best result. Thus you will need to explain your reasons and methods for collecting and analyzing the data. It may be useful if you use evidence of your chosen methods being successfully used in other empirical studies.

Dissertation Proposal Timeline

Your dissertation proposal timeline section is very important and helpful to you. The purpose of this section is to ensure you have a manageable project for the amount of time you have. If you have chosen too many research questions or want to prove a very difficult point, the project may appear not very manageable. Especially because you will definitely not be able to devote all of your time to dissertation writing: you may be preparing for your exams, taking some University course on your topic, or even teaching an undergraduate course yourself, working on a second job, writing conference papers, etc. When your dissertation proposal project does not seem manageable you may have to complete a rewrite of your dissertation proposal.

To aid you in completing your dissertation proposal writing you may want to invest in a calendar/day planner or other scheduling device that you like. Now you will need to plan out the times in which you would like to work on your dissertation proposal writing. Remember you can complete your PhD proposal writing in blocks of time or in order of your dissertation proposal structure. Your dissertation proposal timeline should include the due dates for various parts of your dissertation, that you have determined yourself. For example, you may want to complete the outline of your dissertation proposal structure two weeks after having your dissertation topic approved.

Dissertation Proposal Bibliography List

The last and final section of your PhD proposal is the bibliography list. As you are completing your dissertation proposal writing you will use many different resources to help prove your research topic and your research questions.

Unlike the final bibliography list which should list all the sources in an alphabetic order, bibliography list conducted for a dissertation proposal may group all of your sources according to the issues or points in the text, they are helping you to prove. The committee or supervisor asks to complete this section in this way so that you can write or create a more critical reflection of the literature that you used to prove your dissertation.

When writing your dissertation proposal your goal is to prove your point or idea by backing up your research with the research of other peer reviewed articles and studies. When creating this section you will be able to draw contextual conclusions from your peer reviewed evidence. It should be noted once again that most students find it beneficial to pay for pre-written proposal examples to avoid the frustration of searching. But as you have seen, it is possible to get a free example if that is the option you choose.

Where to Get Examples of Dissertation Proposals for Free

Are you looking for a free example of a dissertation proposal as a template to write your own? If you are, then you’re making a wise move. Nothing will help you more to write your dissertation proposal properly than a previously written one.

Fortunately for you, there are many published dissertations that contain proposals for you to scrutinize. Where to find these is what we’ll show you how to do right here.

Get examples online. but be careful

Yes, the internet is a viable place to search for a proposal example, but it may take you longer than you think. There’s a throng of bad examples that would prove less helpful than you would like. The hard part is sifting through all of these to find the good ones.

For this reason, many students opt to pay for their dissertation examples. If this is not an option for you, then ask yourself if the time spent searching is worthwhile. If you decide that it is, here are two more place you can search.

School archives

Your college will likely keep a number of former students’ dissertations and proposals on hand. Depending on your school policies, you should be able to access these. If they are lying at your college writing center, it’s possible that the administrator of the center won’t allow you to keep the example or even borrow it for a while. However, you can simply bring your assignment to the writing center and use the template on the premises, instead of at your home.

Combine the concept with the format

Most non-fictional books contain a proposal, but not in the format you’ll be expected to write in. Consider going to the library and getting a book that’s relevant to your subject. Then, go online and get the proper format for a dissertation proposal—as these are usually free.

The beginning stages of the book should give you an idea of how and why the writer has gone about writing his or her book. Combine that concept with the format guidelines you’ve sourced online, and write a dissertation proposal that’s compelling and fits in well with academic persuasion.

It should be noted once again that most students find it beneficial to pay for pre-written proposal examples to avoid the frustration of searching. But as you have seen, it is possible to get a free example if that is the option you choose.

Is getting professional help allowed?

This is very much an academic gray area. Editing services tend to raise the fewest eyebrows We are a team of PhD writers, editors and researchers who work together to create a great free writing resource for graduate students of all academic majors. Our goal is to help you write the best dissertation or thesis project in limited time. When taking a cue from a sample, it is better to use examples of dissertation proposals that are from the same academic topics or subjects. Although the structure is almost universal

When taking a cue from a sample, it is better to use examples of dissertation proposals that are from the same academic topics or subjects. Although the structure is almost universal


Choose a clear title to inform your readers that what questions will you attempt to answer through your research.

1. Question Statement &ndash

Write about the primary objective of your research project in the most clinically precise way.

1. Present a critique of the relevant literature resources that you have used to present your case. Briefly define your findings derived from the literature analysis 2. Further, extend your critique to establish the gaps in the current research that you will be completing. Explain how your research will supplement the existing literature on your chosen topic. 3. To write a good literature review, it is advisable to choose a topic that you are knowledgeable about. This part of your dissertation proposal will play a major role in convincing the committee that you are suitably qualified to research with desired success.

How are you going to approach your research project? What devices will you use to collect data? Are you going to use specific tools and techniques? Elaborate on your methods and make it sound sincere to impress the research committee.

1. This part of your proposal should mention in detail all the resources that you have deployed or wish to use to complete your research. It is important here to follow the reference style guidelines of the University, in most cases an APA or MLA style of referencing is accepted. Ensure to collect from valid and latest peer-review journals that are best suited to your topic. 2. The purpose of Bibliography is not only to avoid plagiarism. The optimum use of resources or potential citations reflects on the scope of your research praxis and the academic committee needs to be sure that you have a profound capacity to research and deduce from the academic data.

Present a valid question, a relevant problem that you need to resolve with your research. Before presenting your proposal, self evaluate it through a set of questions, &ldquo By using a search engine you can find many results almost in an instant. They may not all suit your purposes but some of them undoubtedly will. By using those you can tailor them to meet your needs and create a proposal that reflects your intended work.

Looking For Free Samples Of Dissertation Proposals Online

All jobs get easier with access to the necessary tools. In the case of academic writing, this means having the right guidelines, templates and samples so that your work looks the way it should. This is especially true when it comes to the completion of a dissertation which is generally the last major assignment you complete before graduating from a course of study.

Long before you reach to that stage, you will be expected to justify your intended project by completing a proposal for presentation to a panel. This must be done well or your work will be rejected without question. Here are a few places you can start your search for a sample in this vein:

Online forums that specialize in academic content

People who frequent these types of forums tend to have an interest in writing well formatted and styled academic documents. They will therefore be likely to devote most of their conversations in such an arena to the exchange of ideas that lead to the creation of good work.

Random web searches

By using a search engine you can find many results almost in an instant. They may not all suit your purposes but some of them undoubtedly will. By using those you can tailor them to meet your needs and create a proposal that reflects your intended work.

People engaged in similar study

If other people in your class have to write dissertations they will also be looking for the bets possible ways to propose their research to a panel and not get it rejected outright. Ask them to see the resources they have managed to put together thus far. Whatever they have done, you can learn from and whatever you have amassed they can also share. This method of community learning makes the class less selfish and more likely to succeed in the long run.

People who have recently completed similar studies

There was a class that finished doing exactly what you are doing now a year earlier than you. Seek those people out and ask to see the documents from their proposals. They may be able to stop you from making mistakes that are completely unnecessary by providing not just their samples but a running commentary on what worked, where and why.

There is no fool proof way of preventing errors in your work. The methods listed above will, however, reduce your chances of making big mistakes.

Long before you reach to that stage, you will be expected to justify your intended project by completing a proposal for presentation to a panel. This must be done well or your work will be rejected without question. Here are a few places you can start your search for a sample in this vein:


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