How to Reference Journal Articles in APA Format, journal critique example.

Journal critique example

Tensky, J. A. (2004, January 5). How to cite newspaper articles. The New York Times, 4D, 5D.

Mischel, W., & Baker, N. (1975). Cognitive transformations of reward objects through instructions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31, 254-261.

APA format details a set of clear rules for referencing articles that appear in academic journals and other periodicals. These vary somewhat based on where the article appears and who the authors are. While many articles you will use in your references appear in academic and professional journals, you might also find articles in magazines, newspapers, and online publications.

For journal articles with three to 20 authors, follow a similar format as you would with two authors, but separate each author and initials with a comma. The final author should be preceded by an ampersand. Follow this same format for each additional author up to 20 authors.

Articles With Two Authors

Start by listing the author's last name and first initials, followed by the date of publication in parentheses. Provide the title of the article, but only capitalize the first letter of the title. Next, list the journal or periodical and volume number in italics, followed by the issue number in parentheses. Finally, provide the page numbers where the article can be found.

James, S. A. (2001, June 7). Magazine articles in APA format. Newsweek, 20, 48-52.

If an article has two authors, follow the basic format for a journal reference. Place a comma after the first initial of the first author followed by an ampersand (&). Then include the last name and first initial of the second author.

Keller, J. L., Smithfield, K. B., Ellis, M., Michelina, R., & Bels, S. (1987). The limitations of anchoring bias. Journal of Market Research, 17, 115-119.

Journal critique example

  • What is the purpose of the experiment?
  • Is the experiment relevant in the field of research?
  • Is there a proper discussion of experimental methods?
  • Is the methodology appropriate for the study?
  • Is the experiment described in vivid details enough to duplicate in the near future?
  • Are the statistical data and calculations correct?
  • Are there repetitions in the discussion of the experiment?

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The first thing you need to do is go through the rubric handed out by your teacher and see the required referencing style, as it will determine the format of your whole paper. For example, an APA style journal article critique is different from that of MLA style, and it is better to follow the correct formatting right away than to rearrange the typed text later. As a rule, the critique is required to have double spacing, Times New Roman font sized 12, and the use of subsections is advisory. In addition, it should have the following structure:

Article Critique Format

Journal critique example

It is easy to buy a journal article critique example from WritingLeader and we promise to meet all your requirements. The many amenities offered by WritingLeader, such as free revision and comprehensive mobile capability, have made us a trustworthy provider in our field. That is why you will be making the right choice by purchasing your critiques from our company. Furthermore, our prices are reasonable.

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  • Topic/subject matter.
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Journal critique example

The key to success in writing this paper is critical thinking. The task of every author of a research article is to convince readers of the correctness of his or her viewpoint, even if it is skewed. Thus, the only ways to distinguish solid arguments from weak ones are to be a good researcher, have the right tools to pick out facts from fiction, and possess solid critical thinking skills.

  • Does the author specify the instruments used?
  • Are the chosen instruments appropriate?
  • Do the instruments meet general guidelines for protecting participants of the experiment?
  • Did the author obtain all of the permissions needed?
  • Does the author describe each instrument in terms of reliability, purpose, validity, and content?
  • If any instruments were developed specifically for this study, does the author describe the procedures involved in their development and validation?

The first step will help you read and understand the piece, look at it from a critical point of view, and reflect upon it. Now, when you have an idea about which way you should be heading in your critique paper, it is the time to start gathering evidence. Here are the main steps you should undertake:

2. Read the article once and re-read after
First, get an overview of it and grasp the general idea of it. A good critique should reflect your qualified and educated opinion regarding the article. To shape such an opinion, you have to read the piece again, this time critically, and highlight everything that can be useful for writing your paper.

What Is an Article Critique?

  • Problem statement: Do early childhood education programs have significant and long-term impacts on kids’ competencies in elementary school?
  • Background: To perform well in elementary school, children need to possess a variety of competencies.
  • Hypothesis: Early childhood education programs decrease the rate of children who fall below the minimal competencies defined as necessary for effective performance in the second grade.
  • Dependent Variables: mastery skills, social skills, and use of time

    5. Evaluate the Language Used in the Article
    Language plays a vital role in every article, regardless of the field and topic. Therefore, while working on your critique, you should pay close attention to the language the article’s author uses.
    Just to give you a clear example of what you should be looking for: some words have cultural meanings attached to them which can create a sort of confrontation in the article. Such words can place people, objects, or ideas into the “them” side in the “us vs. them” scenario.

    • The name of the author and title of the article.
    • The core idea of the author.
    • A clear thesis that reflects the direction of your critique.
    • The main idea of the article.
    • The main arguments presented in the article.
    • The conclusion of the article.
    • Highlight the strong and weak sides of the article.
    • Express an educated opinion regarding the relevancy, clarity, and accuracy of the article. Backup your claims with direct examples from the piece.
    • Summary of the key points of the article.
    • Finalization of your conclusion with your comments on the relevancy of the research.
    • If you claim the research is relevant, make a statement of why further study in this field can be useful.

    Journal critique example

    2. Body Paragraphs – it is high time you wrote the main paragraphs of your work. Describe all details you think may help to deliver an argumentative article critique. Highlight methods you use in addition to purposes and causes

    Here are some crucial aspects your paper is supposed to provide:

    Once you get into details, you will see that the concept of the paper, as well as other papers (like physic paper) is rather simple. This is why most instructors and teachers do not provide additional explanations and requirements. The result of the world totally depends on your ability to stress the key points, problems, and arguments. Even the writing style is not as important as the ability to analyses. The best way is to find an article you like and discuss it with friends or relatives. It will give the writing process a boost of energy. At least, you will define a direction to get started.

    After we have finally defined the purpose of this academic paper, let’s check the insights and find out some of its samples and APA structure. Our tips will certainly out an ease on your writing process.

    Article Critique Example

    Journal critique example

    3. Reference Page is the last element of your paper. It includes the list of sources and works cited in the text. Each reference should be arranged in accordance with APA requirements and include the following:

    Most instructors care the most about a proper formatting rather than the content. You may have a flawless paper from grammar and spelling perspectives, it may highlight the most genius ideas. However, you will never get a good mark for your work, unless it is properly formatted. As a rule, professor assigns several popular styles including APA, MLA, Harvard and some others. This time we will review the APA format for an article critique. First of all, we will identify the core elements of the paper for an APA structure:

    It may help in a great way. Most samples depict a proper formatting manner depending on the style. You can use them as a writing template for APA, MLA, Harvard and other formatting styles. Our paper examples will save your hours and days of desperate writing and look for academic assistance. To ensure good academic results and high grades, download article critique samples here:

    • It is not a summary. You do not need simply to list the points and problems discovered in the source. The main idea is to critique them. This is actually why the assignment has its name

      Journal critique example

      If your professor does not want a summary section or a personal critique section, then you must alleviate those parts from your writing. Much like other assignments, an article review must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Thus you might consider dividing your outline according to these sections as well as subheadings within the body. If you find yourself troubled with the prewriting and the brainstorming process for this assignment, seek out a sample outline.

      If you write a scientific review, you have to use database searches to portray the research. Your primary goal is to summarize everything and present a clear understanding of the topic you’ve been working on.

      These three steps make up most of the prewriting process. After you are done with them, you can move on to writing your own review—and we are going to guide you through the writing process as well.

      After your citation, you need to include the identification of your reviewed article:

      The Pre-Writing Process

      Journal critique example

      Make a summary of the article by revisiting what the author has written about. Note any relevant facts and findings from the article. Include the author's conclusions in this section.

      Step 2: Move on and review the article. Here is a small and simple guide to help you do it right:

      • Pre-title page: here, you will want to list the type of the article that you are reviewing, the title of the publication, all the authors who contributed to it, author’s affiliations (position, department, institute, city, state, country, email ID)
      • Optional corresponding author details: name, address, phone number, email, and fax number.
      • Running head: Only in the APA format. It is the title of your paper shortened to less than 40 characters.
      • Summary page: Optional, depending on the demands of your instructor. The summary should be maximum 800 words long. Use non-technical and straightforward language. Do not repeat text verbatim or give references in this section. Give 1) relevant background 2) explain why the work was done 3) summarize results and explain the method.
      • Title page: full title, 250-word abstract followed by “Keywords:” and 4-6 keywords.
      • Introduction
      • Body: Include headings and subheadings
      • Works Cited/References
      • Optional Suggested Reading Page
      • Tables and Figure Legends (if instructed by the professor.)


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