Summary and Response Essay Example, how to write a summary response essay.

How to write a summary response essay

Among other reasons against an adult-like approach to sports is the unreadiness of children's bodies to endure heavy physical stresses, which can lead to injuries. Because of that unpreparedness, some children may be written off as unsuitable for certain kinds of sports while getting older the same children could show great results. Statsky offers to divide sports activities for children under 12-14 years and those over that age. The latter could practice being competitive while the former could enjoy just playing and spending time with friends. The reason for that is that apart from the ability to compete, children need to develop an ability to cooperate, as well.

The American nation is great at competing

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All usual benefits of competitive sports can be gained without actual competition. In fact, I believe that it is the cooperation we need to teach more. With the help of cooperation children can learn how to work in teams, improve their skills, and face challenges.

Part 1: Summary

How to write a summary response essay

However, I am not sure whether it is necessary to develop competitiveness at all. I suppose there are children who are ambitious

A summary differs from a response essay in that it involves paraphrasing in a concise way every key idea or point in a paper or essay. The text’s author should be cited as well as the text’s title (most commonly in the opening sentence). It sets out the paper’s thesis and its supporting points or ideas. Direct quotes of concise or forceful statements may be used to convey the ideas of the author. Usually, it does NOT cite any examples or supporting information provided by the author unless these are crucial to the text’s key idea. Generally, summaries contain the most important points in the same order as these have been made by the author and it keeps returning to the text being summed up (e.g., “Jason’s argument is that …” or “Wiseman additionally says that …”). Summaries should not be longer than a third of the text they refer to.

  • Original and coherent content of every paper

    How to write a summary response essay

    Once you are done with the writing, it is important to edit your work. Reread your summary a number of times and make changes along the way. You can also ask someone else to read your work and provide you feedback. Make changes in your summary according to the provided feedback to come up with an effective piece of writing.

    Writing a summary demonstrates that you have clearly understood the text, and now you can communicate that understanding to your readers. However, summary writing is not an easy task. In fact, it is quite a difficult academic skill to learn. As with any other skill, especially for writing, students explicitly need to learn this skill.

    Now comes the stage of active reading. Here, you will have to read the story once again and note down the major points to include in your summary. Highlight the topic sentences, plot points, important quotes, and major events. Also, note down the points that you find difficult to understand.

    Keep reading the blog until the end to know the answers to these questions.

    Revise Your Summary

    The first and most important step to a well-crafted and good summary is to read the original text. Focus on reading the text at least 2 times and do not take notes at this point. The goal here is to become familiar with the text and understand the author’s writing style and tone.

    A summary is the condensed version of an original text. It is about identifying the most important text and restating it into your own words. Writing a summary is a great way to process what you read, whether it’s a book or an article.

    The important factor to a great summary is to develop a good thesis statement. It is a one-sentence claim often written in the introductory paragraph to demonstrate your understanding of the original text.

    Now the thesis statement can be used as the first sentence of your summary, and the other supporting points will go into the body paragraphs. Don’t forget to include some transition words to maintain the effective flow of information in your summary.

    How to write a summary response essay

    The most important is to understand that a reaction paper is not a summary paper or a critique. You do not have to focus on the bad or the good parts of the article per se. Even if finding every vital aspect will help you, it has to be your analysis that shows how you see and understand the article precisely. You can turn to your experience, professional skills, or anything you have studied during the course to see how the article has made you feel.

    • Introduction. The introduction of your reaction paper should have a hook that will keep your readers interested and inspired. If you are writing about Amazon forests, provide statistics or start with an unusual fact. Next, you should briefly describe the author and the paper in question. Proceed with the main ideas (problems) that you plan to discuss. Talk about the original text and the importance of your methodology that has inspired you for the reaction.
    • Thesis Statement. It has to be an important point that is clearly based on what you have read. It should not be out of place since you will refer to it in your body paragraphs. For example, if you are talking about stress among ER nursing personnel, it would be good to write something like this reaction paper example:

    Remember to focus on details and provide interesting points that you could “read between the lines” as you have analyzed the article or any additional source. Make your thesis clear to show your take on a certain event or an issue. It will help you to back up every statement that you have made.

    Remember that these are only reaction paper general ideas that will help you make your creativity flow!

    How to Write a Reaction Paper to an Article?

    First of all, let us learn the list of Do's and Don'ts that will help you to make a checklist as you deal with a reaction paper:

    In simple terms, any successful reaction paper has a clear purpose and definition. You must express your personal opinion and show that you have understood the article or any other type of content. Explain what the article means to you to make it accessible to your target audience. In a certain sense, you have to study the content in advance before writing a reaction paper and noting the main ideas of the author to express your analytical skills as you write about it. Of course, you do not have to provide a summary since it has to refer to the readers who may have already read the original article. Therefore, you should use your own thoughts and professional experience (if there is any!) to help support your writing.

    • The Article's Content. You should start by explaining the topic to your readers in general terms or use details if it matters. Your audience should be able to understand the subject if it is specific to how and why you provide your opinion.
    • The Importance. You must explain the importance of your reaction as you validate your choice for a certain aspect. You can also explain how it matters to the scientific community or society in general.
    • Your Thesis Statement. It must have your major point with a brief explanation as to why the article has made you feel this or that way. It has to be provocative and argumentative to keep your audience motivated.
    • Focus on Details. You should support each idea with quotes or provide similar ideas as you can compare your article to another similar work if it helps to support your thesis idea.

    How to write a summary response essay

    Use continuous pagination throughout the paper, including the title page and the references.

    Modern language association (mla) style is typically used for articles and papers within the liberal arts and humanities.

    The organization of headings and subheadings within the main body of the paper is therefore particularly important.

    Each level has specific formatting requirements to make it visibly obvious which level it is.

    Examples and evidence do not need to be included at this stage.

    How to write a summary response essay

    In certain cases, the author might use additional major sections, such as a literature. Articles appear most commonly in academic journals, newspapers, and websites. Most samples depict a proper formatting. Apa style is different than modern language association style, which is used in most humanities courses, and chicago style, which is. Many students decide to download such samples in order to get an overall idea of how the assignment should look like and what key points should be added.

    Paraphrasing offers an alternative to using direct quotations in your summary (and the critique) and can be an efficient way to integrate your summary notes.

    Use continuous pagination throughout the paper, including the title page and the references.

    Paraphrasing means putting it into your own words. Many students decide to download such samples in order to get an overall idea of how the assignment should look like and what key points should be added. The general structure of your critique should consist of a title page, abstract, body and references. Author last name, a.a first and middle initial.(year, month date of publication). Subheadings should be capitalized(first letter in each word), left justified, and either bolditalicsor underlined. Headings can be used in papers of most length (but you really don't need them for papers under 10 pages). For example, under methods (level 1) you may have subsections for sampling method and data analysis (level 2). The student may be less common in academic prose, adverbs and phrases which may be. Such a small sample size it is difficult to generalize these findings to the larger graduate student population. Most samples depict a proper formatting. Subheadings are usually reserved for shorter sections within a larger section. — indiana university (@indianauniv) october 28, 2020. Literature review format, as most students would agree with us, is part of the many research papers in the education curriculum.

    How to write a summary response essay

    A lot of students start working on their essays at the very last moment and do it in haste. You can avoid a lot of mistakes if you are attentive, focused, and organized. If you have too little time to write a strong response essay yourself, you can always get the assistance of a professional writing service. This will help you to be on time with your assignment without sacrificing its quality.

    This makes no sense, right? So, be sure to read the piece that your topic is based on and make sure you understand what it is about.

    • Did you embed your thesis statement?
    • Is your thesis statement complete and suitable for the topic?
    • Can you support your thesis statement with evidence?
    • Did you summarize the analyzed subject?
    • Did you start your introduction with a catchy sentence – a powerful statement, fact, quote or intriguing content?
    • Did you include a transition sentence at the end of your introduction?

    Before starting actually writing your critical essay, you need to get acquainted with the subject of your analysis. It might be an article, a book or any other type of text. Sometimes, this task is given for pieces of art, such as a painting or a movie.

    How Is It Different From Other Essay Types?

    How to write a summary response essay

    Every essay you write has a very similar structure that consists of an introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. While this type is not an exception and is quite similar to an analytical essay, it still has differences. One of those is the fact that it contains two parts. The first part includes a quick summary of the analyzed work. The second part is a critique – a response to the author’s opinion, facts, examples, etc.

    1. Explain the changes of the character throughout the novel: Frodo from Lord of the Rings/Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray.
    2. Examine a setting and the atmosphere in the novel Gone with the Wind/Jane Eyre.
    3. Investigate the cultural or historical background in Romeo and Juliet/Macbeth.
    4. Describe the impact of the supporting character: Horatio in Hamlet/Renfield in Dracula.
    5. Describe the genre of the work and its influence on the mood of the piece: To Build a Fire/ For Whom the Bell Tolls.

    After you have all of the needed materials next to you, you can start working on the text of your essay.


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