Learn How to Write a Personal Essay by Experts, write a personal essay.

Not just that, you can also write a personal essay to address an issue close to your heart and how you feel about it. The focus of such essays isn't having to prove a point, but share the writer's feelings, personal opinions and experiences. It is a work of creative nonfiction autobiography narrated in a way that the reader feels as if he experienced it himself.

A personal essay is the type of writing that is based on the personal experiences of the writer. It talks about such life experiences that were the turning point for the writer or resulted in some major lessons and growth.

Not just that, you can also write a personal essay to address an issue close to your heart and how you feel about it. The focus of such essays isn't having to prove a point, but share the writer's feelings, personal opinions and experiences. It is a work of creative nonfiction autobiography narrated in a way that the reader feels as if he experienced it himself.

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  • 0:05 Reasons for a Personal Essay
  • 0:56 Identify Your Purpose
  • 3:16 Three Important Guidelines
  • 5:55 Lesson Summary

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Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. A solid biography is a solid story. For this reason, the biography template is essentially the template of a well-crafted story, which is typically divided into three specific parts:

📑 Personal Essay about Yourself: Main Types

Personal Essays on Hobbies

Writing an essay on a hobby is not as easy as it seems. Take a look at any hobbies essay sample, and you will be likely to see a widespread thing: these essays can be boring, which is an easy way to get a low grade.

Below are some common problems with hobby essays (and their solutions).

❌ Problem✔️ Solution
The writer didn’

No matter what, make sure the focus is on you. When you are writing about a personal hobby, you should aim to make yourself the star by essentially telling your reader about yourself through an interest of yours.

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Life-changing Experience Essays

The purpose of a life-changing experience essay is obvious: simply put, you need to tell the reader about a specific event that changed your life. Note that it also works for a closely related type of essay, the personal narrative essay.

Three essential elements should be clear to readers of any life-changing experience writing:

If you need personal experience essay ideas, focus on events that you can write about to meet the three above criteria. If your assignment is very free form, take a look at a list of prompts for personal writing.

Education Essays

As a student, you will be asked to write an education essay eventually. It is important to remember that personal writing is about setting yourself apart. Tell the reader what made your educational experience unique.

How can you make your educational essay stand out? First, go beyond generic stories of overcoming an academic weakness by avoiding essays that take the following form: “

Instead, focus on an assignment or subject that captured your attention — the more unusual the situation, the better. Use storytelling to enhance your essay. The best education essays can be essays about life-changing education experiences


Writing a short biography is easy. All you need to do is to use a very basic biography template. But first: remember that you need to keep the attention of your reader. Tell a good story about yourself! Learning how to write a biography is about learning how to tell a good story.

A Biography Template

A solid biography is a solid story. For this reason, the biography template is essentially the template of a well-crafted story, which is typically divided into three specific parts:

If your biography manages to achieve all three of these elements, you will indeed have one of the class’

Personal Statements

The last type of personal writing is probably the most important. When faced with their first college application, most students go to the web to find a personal statement format.

If you learn from examples, the best thing to do is check out several strong personal statement examples. As mentioned in the second section, many universities post essays from accepted students. Or perhaps you should read a breakdown of portions of a personal statement. The point is, read what others have done for inspiration.

Sometimes colleges offer personal statement templates. However, they often use freeform personal statements to identify focused, articulate students. Thus, the top tip for these is to write a clear thesis statement. A thesis statement for an essay without a prompt should be so clear that it sounds like it addresses a writing prompt. When there is no prompt, this is the time you should specifically use the standard 5-paragraph essay. Your discipline will impress your readers, which is exactly what you want.

However, an open-ended essay prompt is sometimes just too much to handle in time, but that is alright. It happens to everyone, and our writing experts can help, luckily. You can work with one of their expert writers or editors to create the perfect personal essay.

No matter what, make sure the focus is on you. When you are writing about a personal hobby, you should aim to make yourself the star by essentially telling your reader about yourself through an interest of yours.


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